A guide to 42 Championship
August 6, 201942 Jackie Robinson – The Movie-in Theaters April 12th
August 6, 2019
The time has come to learn from champions, real life champions with real life stories. Working hard and doing your best is good but not good enough. Take a leaf out of the life stories of real heroes, champions who have reached the top by basing their faith on other greater champions. After all success is not exclusive because it is really attainable by anyone. We all find inspiration in the peace and sense of fulfillment that accompanies the knowledge that we are important beings in this world.
‘42’ is a groundbreaking movie featuring Jackie Robinson’s courageous and triumphant journey to a championship as the first black major league basketball player of our times. The spellbinding story focuses on the crossroads of faith and sports and depicts how some of the biggest championing stars of major league baseball are made through the powerful uplifting of their unwavering religious beliefs. ‘42’ proves to us that there is hope and the underlying inspiration in everything we do. The movie is centered on two exceptional characters and their readiness to face and triumph over the tragic racism barrier and segregation in their sport. Their emotive display of discipline and unwavering courage and their belief in God through the long struggle against adversity has radically altered the history of the baseball game and given these two remarkable players the unique ability of experiencing and rejoicing in victory beyond the plate.
The stirring sequence of events clearly portrays a role model lesson for anyone who’s pressured by obstacles and who’s struggling to overcome them. The faith lesson guide based on ‘42’ will show you not just the ways of overcoming your limitations in order to achieve a personal victory but very importantly the guide demonstrates the unique way of transforming your personal victory into something that has become a winning shared by everyone in your spectrum of influence. The coin has two sides, one depicts the barriers and the challenges but flip the coin and you encounter new opportunities and happy discoveries. ‘42’ Faith Guide is the key to unlocking your right to success and the championship.